I am Tobi Little Deer. Welcome to my website.
While you’re here I’ll tell you more about myself and my adventure books, with photos of places where my stories are set.
I’ll model some of my best practical all-weather clothing for you, and you can read my blog on pertinent issues.

I am a Native American dog, a Chihuahua. My ancestors walked across the Bering Land Bridge to Alaska with the first people to arrive in North America, thousands of years before Columbus discovered us.

My name Tobi means “God’s goodness,” because I came to my friend Ted at a time when he says he needed me, and I made him happy.
I’m named Little Deer because I have a deer’s face somewhat— tan with black nose and eyes, my ears for antlers.

I was born in Oklahoma, just north of the Texas panhandle, so if I’d stayed there I’d probably be a cow dog. But I ended up in New York City, where I live with Ted in Greenwich Village, one of the oldest, most quaint and beautiful sections of Manhattan.

There, in our comfortable apartment, cool in summer, warm in winter, I have a fleece-lined house set into the bottom of a bedroom bookcase.

I keep my pile of toys in Ted’s studio, where I can toss them about without their rolling under furniture as happens in the living room.

New York is a very exciting place. I strut along on neighborhood walks, so everyone knows it’s my street and my block, particularly the other dogs. People often stop to admire me, and they talk to Ted. We jog every morning along the piers of Hudson River Park. Sundays, weather allowing, we take long walks in Central Park.

During the summer months we travel often to Long Island, to a cottage by the ocean. In the cooler air of sunrise and the evening sunsets, I run on the beach, an endless, wide shoreline of softest sand, just out of reach of the waves. Daytime, when the sun is high, I bask in its warmth on our front deck, or move to the shade. It’s a dog’s life.
All in all I’m quite content. I wear nice clothes when weather requires, and then I get to model them for photographs. During my naps while Ted is writing I dream, and my imagined adventures channel through him. However, I myself am very real, a little dog with a big personality, and not at all made up.
You can contact me at tobilittledeer@gmail.com. The content of my website is copyrighted © 2012-2020 by Woodwrit, Inc. whom you can contact at info@woodwrit.com.